
Sunshine’s Book Launch / Birthday Party Comes Up

April 23, 2022 @ Indianapolis , IN

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the Book

The Hills in the Valley is a story book relating the life of a young child born with a wooden spoon and against all odds, her decision to survive. Even though set to reveal some primitive and abominable act done to young children, especially female, the challenges an average child not born into a certain social class would encounter and the quest to live, it portrays strength, survival, thriving, becoming-all-that-you can-ever-imagine-or think, reaching the heart of every culturally diverse reader.

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About the Author

Omoyemi  Akinwande

Omoyemi is a Nigerian born America based married mom of three wonderful children. She is widely travelled and has published a few articles, she served as a publisher and columnist for her school magazine during her college years.

She is the founder of a Charity Organization – Havenandlove, whose vision is to support young, orphaned, abused, molested, abandoned, and stigmatized children in the society, with a strong focus on the female child(ren )going through undiagnosed bleeding problems, providing them succor, safety, and strength through the Organization.

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Hills in the valley